Sometimes I wish music was my boyfriend. It can comfort me , heal me, make me happy, and express my feelings in words I can not say.
No More, No Less, No Second Guess. I Laugh, I Love, I Live, I Cry And Some Times I Wish That I Would Die. Some Days I’m Funny, Others I’m Not. Some Days I’m In Overdrive, And I Can’t Stop. You May Not Like Me, But that’s Ok, This Is Me And This Is How I’ll Stay
Thursday, September 29, 2011
How did you find me?
So, I am posting again and before Ido anything really, i just want to know.. how did you find me? As in, how did you come across my blog? what brought you here? I would love to know. Thanks so much. <3
Another reason i'm asking to make sure my followers are alive. so please comment and tell me how you found me? ( because I was lost) :)
thanks so much. More post coming up!
Another reason i'm asking to make sure my followers are alive. so please comment and tell me how you found me? ( because I was lost) :)
thanks so much. More post coming up!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
so late
omg. I am so sorry. I haven't posted in forever. but - i have added more posts to my other blog.. secret crush secret.. so yea. i'm really sorry guys. I'll have more for you later. really sorry.
ps. I would love it if you guys gave a comment just i know you are still alive and there.. thanks so much!
ps. I would love it if you guys gave a comment just i know you are still alive and there.. thanks so much!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
So.. Not much going on. Just thought i'd make you guys smile with some cute fun pictures... so yea. Short post...
Oh, one more thing!
PLEASE COMMENT ALL YOU WANT> I'ts My Fav Thing when i look at my blog and see a comment on my post.
I heart u guys!
Hugs for all!
And i give you this amazing donuts and food.
Monday, September 12, 2011
not fine
You asked me if i was ok, i said "yea, i'm OK."
You pushed on asking if i was fine.
I said "yea i'm fine"
but the truth is. I'mm not fine. You really hurt me. I know you don't sugar coat everything but can't you have a hold on that tongue?
He was like my best friend, and then when he left i was hurt. But when you go on making fun of that and telling me that i can do "better" that hurt. I don't know if you knew but it did. So i walked away. I just don't know if i can be around you anymore. Just let me take a break and absorb everything.
SO for now. This is goodbye.
my sunny day just got rained on ;(
I just need a spoonful of sugar. :)
weekend not long enough
Just what the title says.. THE WEEKEND IS NOT LONG ENOUGH!
it should be a week of school and a week of a weekend.. that way it balances out.
sorry this is short..
it should be a week of school and a week of a weekend.. that way it balances out.
sorry this is short..
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A Huge Rant Storm is coming in!
Do I look like I give a monkey ass shit about it? Do I look
like I’m listening? I don’t give a crap about it; I have more important things
on the top of my priority list then do deal with your problems. You are making
my life a living hell. I don’t know what goes on in that odd mind of yours, and
I don’t think you’re thinking straight. You don’t know what I’m going through
and you don’t know what thoughts I have and how I’m constantly planning out my
day to get things right. I always mess things up, every day it starts out perfect
and then I do something, I might forget, drop a dish, or not finish my job. I
always think about what I need to do on my To Do list. You always add more to it. ALWAYS. I already have
enough that’s over flowing and then you add to it, saying that it’s more important
then what I’m doing. You have no idea. Why can’t you just leave, just go away
for half the day so I’m left alone to think clearly and do what I need to do. SO I can walk around, and tackle the problems
my way. I don’t give a Sh** about it.
You wonder why I can’t finish my work right, because you interfere!! I can’t
work in this environment, I can’t think straight, and I don’t get my work done.
I just want to be left alone, and then you come in asking questions like
nothing happened so I give you lip, and then you get upset. Why can’t you see
that I don’t want to talk, that I don’t want to explain myself to you. Why can’t
you just do what I want! I don’t have time to clean up, to do this and to that…
the weekend is not long enough for me to tackle all my problems. And during the
week I have a shit load of work to do! Ugh. I’m gonna scream “NO” at you but I can’t,
it will just cause more problems.
Ug, now I have hot, tears going down my cheek and there beginning
to sting my eyes.
Can’t type clearly now
~Sweet_But_Deadly ;(
Friday, September 9, 2011
Don't piss me off.
News for you... you piss me off, and I will blog about you! Not a big threat but it can hurt. I'm not gonna give off your name or anything but... DON'T EVER DO IT AGAIN! I was going to have a huge rant about you but just got all my energy out and now i'm to tired to do it. ... ugh. this was going to be such amazing rant. Now i can't even remember it. *WOW*
Moving on... I just a had a pep Assembly and me being a cheerleader got to "cheer" for the team. It was fun. :)
Short post- sorry.
Moving on... I just a had a pep Assembly and me being a cheerleader got to "cheer" for the team. It was fun. :)
Short post- sorry.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Docto who Cont.
Lets have some Doctor Who Quotes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weeee! So excited!!!!
weeee! So excited!!!!
The Doctor: Am I ... ginger?
Rose: No, you're just sort of ... brown.
The Doctor: Aw, I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger! And you, Rose Tyler! Fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me! Ooh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger.
Doctor: Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels. The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss, they just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. You die in the past and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had; all your stolen moments. They're creatures of the abstract and live off potential energy.
Donna: "Don't tell me the TARDIS is gone."
The Doctor: "Okay."
Donna: Then where is it?"
The Doctor: "But you told me not to tell you."
Donna: "Don't get clever in Latin."
The Doctor: My head!
[groans in pain]
The Doctor: I'm having a neuron implosion... I need...
Jackie Tyler: What do you need?
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Just say it!
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Tell me, tell me, tell me!
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Painkillers!
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: D'you need aspirin?
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I dunno, Pepto-Bismol?
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Liquid paraffin? Vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E?
The Doctor: I need...
Jackie Tyler: Is it food? Something simple? Bowl of soup? Nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Bowl of soup and a nice ham sandwich?
The Doctor: I *need* you to *shut up*!
Jackie Tyler: Oooh, he hasn't changed that much, has he?
Donna: "Sonic it, use the thingy!"
Doctor: "I can't it's wood."
Donna "What, it doesn't do wood?!"
The Doctor: Don't worry Reinette, just a nightmare. Everyone had nightmares... even monsters.
Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!
The Doctor: "You said there are five people still alive in this room."
Riversong: "Yeah, so?"
The Doctor: "So... why are there six?"
The best part is that i can imagine and hear the Doctor saying these exact quotes and the Episodes they came from! :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Doctor Who
I have just found out that my follower Hazel loves Doctor who like me which makes me sooooo excited! So i would share my love for Doctor who with you all. If you don't like Doctor who and David Tennant then read my math post... any how moving on. Here are some amazing Pictures that I use for my Desktop background .
The last one makes me so sad because it's when he has to go and he says at the last second ... " I don't want to go...: I cried so hard when that happened. Matt Smith is ok, i'm starting to get warm to him but he will never replace my Doctor. I loved all of David Tennant's quirks and they way he spoke and i loved everything about him!!! i can re-say everything from an episode. One of my friends calls me the "TV" because i describe it so well that i give them a image of what the episode is like. I do like the interesting Plot that Matt has to deal with and all the interesting things about River song. I'm such a geek, a love all the syfy showes such as..
Haven, Warehouse 13, Eureak, Stargate, Doctor who, and so many more. I will stop my geek-ness and end now.
Thanks so much Hazel, you made my day.
The last one makes me so sad because it's when he has to go and he says at the last second ... " I don't want to go...: I cried so hard when that happened. Matt Smith is ok, i'm starting to get warm to him but he will never replace my Doctor. I loved all of David Tennant's quirks and they way he spoke and i loved everything about him!!! i can re-say everything from an episode. One of my friends calls me the "TV" because i describe it so well that i give them a image of what the episode is like. I do like the interesting Plot that Matt has to deal with and all the interesting things about River song. I'm such a geek, a love all the syfy showes such as..
Haven, Warehouse 13, Eureak, Stargate, Doctor who, and so many more. I will stop my geek-ness and end now.
Thanks so much Hazel, you made my day.
Hello world,
I just finished my math homework! I did the all the packets and studied very VERY hard for this Math Exam tomorrow. I think I will do OK. I hope I do. I want to feel good about my grades. I was just telling my friends around me that i fail everything and my teacher just said, "no your not, you should meet my son.." And we all laughed. lolololololololo :)
It's a short post but yea. Thanks
I just finished my math homework! I did the all the packets and studied very VERY hard for this Math Exam tomorrow. I think I will do OK. I hope I do. I want to feel good about my grades. I was just telling my friends around me that i fail everything and my teacher just said, "no your not, you should meet my son.." And we all laughed. lolololololololo :)
It's a short post but yea. Thanks
Hey people who follow/look at my blog!
Guess what?!? I'm gonna have my first cheer practice in October, but i get to participate in an assembly and get my outfit! It gonna be so exciting with me and my friends. But there is this one girl.. who i think hates my guts and I really don't know why. I haven't done anything to her but she is not very friendly towards me... :(
O well, I can't have a love relationship with every one there are gonna be those people who are after you.. But i'm sacred on getting up and cheering in front of a huge crowd and i i forget a cheer move... Wish me luck!
Moving on, i just want to say that i have a huge math exam tomorrow which I am trembling about. I have been studying but i still don't feel prepared. I never feel prepared for Math. But sometimes WHEN it does click in my brain i get so happy and i'm like " OH! So that's how it works..." Any how... my life is very stressed out with work and love, and friends, and family and crap that's on my TO DO list... really... My list is a mile high and the things i have checked of it just about 4.
OH my GOSH im screaming my mind out!
Ok, just take in some nice big breaths and go to your happy place... my happy place is a library or watching Doctor who! It a TV series but i don't know if you have heard ot it. Its ok, not many know about it, its a syfy show. My friends now how obsessed i am about it.
Now that i'm just thinking about it i am smiling. :)
Thats all for now!
Guess what?!? I'm gonna have my first cheer practice in October, but i get to participate in an assembly and get my outfit! It gonna be so exciting with me and my friends. But there is this one girl.. who i think hates my guts and I really don't know why. I haven't done anything to her but she is not very friendly towards me... :(
O well, I can't have a love relationship with every one there are gonna be those people who are after you.. But i'm sacred on getting up and cheering in front of a huge crowd and i i forget a cheer move... Wish me luck!
OH my GOSH im screaming my mind out!
Now that i'm just thinking about it i am smiling. :)
Thats all for now!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
has it been that long?
so it has been forever since i posted- i'm having some homework issues with school and all that "blah, blah, blah..." speaking of that, i went to a Ke$ha concert. It was amazing and LMFAO was there too! I partied hard with my friends. I just want to say thanks so much for following me and comments! It makes my day!!! I have been a little busy - since i have been posting more on my other blog...
But my gosh! School is just killing me i love seeing my friends but I just don;t like the Homework. I always feel stupid even though i know i'm not i just have my days.. any how here is how i feel about school sometimes! _
But my gosh! School is just killing me i love seeing my friends but I just don;t like the Homework. I always feel stupid even though i know i'm not i just have my days.. any how here is how i feel about school sometimes! _
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What If?
Sometimes I wonder a lot about the What ifs in life...
like sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i was one of thoes pretty girls where guys are aloways around you, always wanting to be your next boyfriend and they love to hang out with you because your so amazing with the guys... what would my life be like?
What if i acataly understood the subject math and felt like i can go somewhere where in life, and not feel so dumb all the time even though i'm pretty smart in other subjects.
what if i was one of those people in the "In popular" crowd... what would my life be like? Total drama and gossip, would i get stabbed in the back?
I have so many more in my head but there just what ifs and questions i often think about....
sorry for such a short and sad post.. :(
like sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i was one of thoes pretty girls where guys are aloways around you, always wanting to be your next boyfriend and they love to hang out with you because your so amazing with the guys... what would my life be like?
What if i acataly understood the subject math and felt like i can go somewhere where in life, and not feel so dumb all the time even though i'm pretty smart in other subjects.
what if i was one of those people in the "In popular" crowd... what would my life be like? Total drama and gossip, would i get stabbed in the back?
I have so many more in my head but there just what ifs and questions i often think about....
sorry for such a short and sad post.. :(
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